Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fixing CrashPlan after Synology DSM 4.0 upgrade

After upgrading my Synology DS710+ to DSM 4.0 (which had its own set of problems) I found that I needed to do a little work to get CrashPlan working again. For this I went back to Kenneth Larsens blog.

At least one user had reported upgrading to DSM 4.0 and had a short summary of what they did to get it working again but I didn't really use his steps. Instead I decided to just try reinstalling over the top of my current folders.

I had a few problems because most of the programs didn't want to install if I had existing folders with the same names. I deleted the /usr/lib/ipkg folder and then I ended up renaming my current /opt/ folder (/volume1/@optware/) to /volume1/@optware.old  so that I could keep everything intact in case I needed it. Here's the command:

rm -rf /usr/lib/ipkg
mv /volume1/@optware /volume1/@optware.old

I was able to follow Kenneth's instructions down through step 7 though I still had my old install folder so I was able to skip steps 1, 4, 5, and 6 and instead just moved my folder back to the /opt/ folder to do the installation:

cp -r /volume1/@optware.old/CrashPlan-install /volume1/@optware/

At that point, rather than modify all of the files again, I simply deleted the /opt/crashplan/ folder and copied my old copy of the folder to where it was as follows:

rm -rf /volume1/@optware/crashplan
cp -r /volume1/@optware.old/crashplan /volume1/@optware/

I still had to do step 10 Kenneth's blog but after that I was able to start the crashplan engine and connect to it from my desktop client.

Reference of commands used. Note, some of these are specific to the DS710+ or another box with the same processor.
  1. rm -rf /usr/lib/ipkg
  2. mv /volume1/@optware /volume1/@optware.old
  3. reboot
  4. cd /volume1/@tmp
  5. wget
  6. chmod +x syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh
  7. sh syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh
  8. rm /volume1/@tmp/syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh
  9. reboot
  10. ipkg update
  11. ipkg upgrade
  12. ipkg install nano
  13. ipkg install cpio
  14. ipkg install bash
  15. ipkg install coreutils
  16. cp -r /volume1/@optware.old/CrashPlan-install /volume1/@optware/
  17. ./volume1/@optware.old/CrashPlan-install/
    1. When asked about java allow it to be downloaded.
    2. CrashPlan will install to: /opt/crashplan
    3. And put links to binaries in: /opt/bin
    4. And store datas in: /opt/crashplan/manifest
    5. Your init.d dir is: /etc/init.d
    6. Your current runlevel directory is: /usr/syno/etc/rc.d
  18. rm -rf /volume1/@optware/crashplan
  19. cp -r /volume1/@optware.old/crashplan /volume1/@optware/ 
  20. Modify the /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99crashplan file line 1 to : #!/opt/bin/bash
  21. /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99crashplan start


  1. Did you upgrade to Crashplabn 3.2 or remain with 3.0?

    I believe if you also upgrade to 3.2 you will break it. To date I have not been able to get it working and have not found anyone who has been able to get DSM 4.0 and Crashplan 3.2 working.

    1. When I got it working it was with Crashplan 3.0. Mine was also broken by the 3.2 upgrade but I now have it working again. I removed CrashPlan from my server and then used the package found at this site and it worked like a dream. I highly recommend it:
